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Feed Your Children Well: How to Shop for Real Food in The Real World

The Thinking Moms Revolution is doing a series on Feed Your Children Well. Today they are featuring a blog I wrote for them on this topic. That is kind of (exactly) up my alley! Real Food Mum was born as a co-creation of two women, mothers, wives, business women who know the joys and opportunities in balancing a full schedule and feeding our families well. My son's autism recovery was supported by dietary changes. That was his foundation. And for many in the biomedical world, this is often the first therapeutic intervention. And sometimes depending on availability of skilled physicians and practitioners or budget, it can be the only one.

So diet is pretty huge for us. It is what my life's work was meant to be. Who knew! I was eating Doritos dipped in sour cream just 10 years ago, no kidding. So when I tell you of my struggles, my family's struggles to change our diets 180 degrees and when I tell you that I get it, I know how hard it can be, I really get it.

So this morning, please head over to the Thinking Moms Revolution blog and check out my tips for eating well on a budget. You may be surprised at what your local discount or big box stores can offer! And if you are ready to take the next step and change your diet, we are here to help. Whether you want to start with our DIY program, one of our monthly group programs or a personalized consultation, we can work with any schedule and any budget. Contact us today.

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