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Elaine Copeland


Before I discovered the benefits of eating real food and healthy fats, I, like many women, was completely influenced by the superb marketing of the food, diet and weight loss industry.

I tried every diet out there, and style of eating – vegan, raw, vegetarian, low fat, low, low fat, no fat. I wasted years counting calories and avoiding fat.


For years I struggled with a constant battle maintaining my weight. Exercise seemed like a logical way to improve my fitness and manage my weight, and I was a chronic exerciser, along with many other women who sought out exercise classes to do the same.I learned after years of personal and professional research how misguided I was, and misinformed on the foods that I was led to believe were healthy and wise choices. I discovered that many of the foods I considered nutritious were actually aggravating my health

issues and extra weight. As I became aware of new information I made changes in how I ate, and how I fed my family. I ditched the processed foods, grains, fat-free foods, sugars (many brilliantly hidden in foods), for real, clean, fresh foods.


The changes were incredible – my digestion improved, my skin cleared up, my weight stabilized, shortness of breath disappeared, no more “food mood swings”, and my energy levels improved.


Maintaining a healthier weight is now easier and I discovered that I do not have to exercise continuously to maintain my weight. I learned that diet plays a much larger role on body composition than exercise. Now I love to feed my family delicious food, move my body, and share my love for real food with others.

Terri Hirning


My love affair with food began as a part of the journey to heal my son from autism. As I started down a path of biomedical treatments, I got a glimpse of the healing power of foods and how they impact not only the body, but the brain as well. It was through my study of the science and my own family’s reaction to dietary changes, that I saw clearly the power of food had on our physical, emotional and mental health.


Overly nearly a decade I have been able to heal my son to the point where a diagnosis of autism no longer applies. My daughter was born just on the cusp of my journey and when she started to show the familial pattern of eczema, removing gluten resolved it almost immediately. My husband’s chronic, debilitating eczema is gone with no steroid creams or medications, just pure, wholesome food. And I have shed over 60 pounds to live in my skin in a more confident and happy way.


Food and nourishing families in an easy and streamlined way is my passion. Eating healthy does not require the time commitment of another full time job, and it can be affordable.


Join us in our love for real food that has the power to nourish, heal and ignite you on your journey for optimal health!

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