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How Roundup is Harming Your Health and What To Do About It.

I had the opportunity to listen to Dr. William Shaw speak at The Great Plains Laboratory SNPs Test Training a few weekends ago. While I have worked for Dr. Shaw a number of years now, genetics training was new for me. But it took a direction I had not anticipated, we learned how common household chemicals can negatively impact health through changes in the microbiome.

Research is coming out fast and furiously about the microbiome and its impact on weight, cancer, gene expression, mood, overall health, you name it. I think we all can agree that the microbiome is an ever-expanding topic with widespread health implications. But, what Dr. Shaw talked about was astounding.

The premise is that Roundup and other glyphosate based herbicides are safe for humans because it works on a specific enzyme that humans do not have. OK. In theory that is easy enough to understand. Bugs have this enzyme and their stomaches explode when they are exposed. We do not so we are safe. Yes and no.

What was discussed was that while humans do not have this enzyme that is impacted by glyphosate, our gut bugs do. So what happens? Basically this chemical kills off our good guys. And in an interesting twist, some of the bad bugs like clostridia, do not have this enzyme and so they flourish in the absence of the good gut bugs.

Well, that makes a lot of sense. My son had a lot of gut challenges, I mean a lot. And when we started our journey of biomedical recovery from autism, we ate a very standard American diet filled with conventional produce, wheat, cow's milk, all products with high levels of glyphosate.

So what can you do about this? Go organic as much as possible. Real Food Mum can help if you want to reduce your toxic exposure in your diet and move towards a real food lifestyle. We offer group and one on one programs to meet your needs and budget.

If you are in the Flagstaff area, please come to our talk with Zen Honeycutt, founder of Moms Across America this Sunday 8/21/16 at 10:00 am at Natural Grocers. We will be discussing this topic in more depth and can provide more ideas on how to reduce your exposure to this health hazard. You can RSVP to our Facebook event here.

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